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Item Local Government Reform Programs and Human Resource Capacity Building in Africa: Evidence from Local Government Authorities (LGAs) in Tanzania(International Journal of Public Administration, 2010) Pallangyo, W. AItem The Impact of Smallholder Commercialisation of Organic Crops on Food Consumption Patterns, Dietary Diversity and Consumption Elasticities(Agricultural Economics Research, Policy and Practice in Southern Africa (Agrekon), 2010-05-07) Msaki, Mark M; Hendriks, Sheryl LThe impact of smallholder commercialisation on food consumption patterns in a rural community of South Africa was investigated. The dietary diversity, nutrient intakes and consumption patterns of certified, partially certified and non-members of an organic farmers' organisation were compared. Engagement in certified commercial organic farming promoted comparatively greater dietary diversity and improved nutrient intakes. While smallholder agriculture commercialisation has the potential to improve food consumption patterns and food quality through increased income and labour opportunities, caution should be exercised before claiming that such commercialisation can alleviate food insecurity and solve hunger in rural South Africa.Item Confidentiality in International Commercial Arbitration: A Comparative Analysis of the Position Under English and Tanzanian Law(Journal of African and International Law, 2012) Tegamaisho, PThis study focusses on the duty of confidentiality in international commercial arbitration in the legal systems of England compared with the situation in Tanzania. Although confidentiality is one of the essential features of arbitration, confidentiality in arbitration is not always guaranteed and its status brings problems in different countries. Therefore, the author critically analyses the extent to which the duty of confidentiality in international commercial arbitration is applied in various countries, particularly in England and Tanzania. In so doing, decided cases, various institutional rules for arbitration are also reviewed for their treatment of confidentiality. These countries have been chosen because they share a common legal system, that is, common law.Item Cereal Bank as a Necessary Rural Livelihood Institute in Arid Land, Makoja Village, Dodoma-Tanzania(Asian Economic and Financial Review, 2013) Msaki, Mark M.; Mwenda, Michael I.; Regnard, Irene J.In 2012, the study was carried at Makoja Village, in Semi-Arid region of Dodoma. The aim of the conducted study was to assess the importance of Cereal Bank to livelihood of farming households. A total of 80 respondents were interviewed. Data were analyzed using SPSS 16.0 computer program. The major findings of the study revealed that, almost all of the households (96.2 %) were poor, while more than a half of the sampled population was chronically food insecure. Income and expenditure analysis revealed that households had no opportunity to manage savings. Further analysis on expenditure revealed that despite being farming households, the later spent large proportion of their income in purchasing food for households. Cereal bank has been potential to provide food at the time of less, storage facility, seed stocking facility and a business opportunity. Cereal banks should be purposively promoted to improve livelihood and assure food security in the rural areas.Item Do Food Quality and Food Quantity Talk the Same? Lesson From Household Food Security Study in Embo, South Africa(Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 2013-07-25) Msaki, Mark M.; Hendriks, Sheryl L.Objectives: Relating food diversity, quality, and intake is one of the key aspects in understanding household food security. This paper aimed at marying food intake and quality, both being measurement for food security. Methods: A household food consumption survey (n = 200) exploring food diversity, quality of foods, and their relation to food intake in Embo, a poor farming community in rural KwaZulu-Natal was carried out in November 2004 (period of insufficiency) and repeated in March 2005 (period of plenty). Household food intake strata were developed using matrices obtained from the Household Food Intake Index and nutritional adequacy ratios. Food quality was measured using food count and later using 5 food groups, namely, starches, vegetables and fruits, animal sourced foods, fats, and legumes. Results: Single food count showed dietary diversity to be significantly different across households with different food intake during the period of plenty (P ≤ 0.000). During the period of plenty, vegetable and fruits contributed significantly different proportions of energy (P ≤ 0.000), protein (P ≤ 0.006), iron (P ≤ 0.020), and vitamin E (P ≤ 0.006) to household food intake strata. Intake of vitamin A was more elastic as its intake variation from legumes, fats, and animal sourced foods was (P ≤ 0.000), from starches (P ≤ 0.008) and from vegetable and fruits (P ≤ 0.064) during the second round. Starches are the most important food group to the community, whereas fats and animal sourced food groups are less important. Conclusions: The current study has been able to include food quality in food security studies. Seasonality accounts for variation in food quality. The South African food-based dietary guidelines are relevant to the Embo community.Item Trade Impediments and Market Transaction Arrangements for Maize and Rice in Tanzania(World Journal of Social Science Research, 2014) Pallangyo, W. AThis research paper is focused on the exploration of the impediments to beneficial trade and their resultant market transaction arrangement in maize and rice. The study therefore was confined to the following three specific objectives to first, explore perceptions and experiences on the impediments to beneficial trade among rice and maize growers and their socio-economic impacts for farmers and food security in the study area. Second, to identify production and marketing models and describe their structure, conduct and performance; and thirdly, to describe transaction costs and related impediments in the value added chain for both crops in Tanzania. Survey was done in three regions: Shinyanga region representing rice growing regions and Ruvuma and Iringa regions representing maize growing regions of Tanzania. The study involved a sample of 100 smallholder rice farmer traders and 131 maize farmer traders. This study adapted Williamsonian Transaction Costs Economics (TCE) approach (as applied in Pitelis (1993) and Furubotn et al. (2000) to identify market arrangements based on transaction costs of producing and trading in the two grain crops. Based on the observed farmers’ perception and experiences with prevailing trade impediments, this study has proposed five stylized market arrangements referred to in this paper as Cereal Transaction Arrangements (CTAs). Each of these CTAs was found to have strengths and weaknesses—hence no single trade policy could be more appropriate across all CTAs. The paper recommends that the government should reduce transactions costs in CTA4 and also CTA5 which involve more progressive commercial farmers by putting in place pro-poor trade policies. Such transaction costs include cost of identifying weighing devices, constructing warehouses, corruption, levies and quantitative trade restrictions.Item Prospects and Challenges in the Deliverance of Executive Asters Degree Programmes(Huria: Journal of the Open University of Tanzania, 2014) Pallangyo, W. AIn the recent decade Executive Masters degree programmes have become very popular deliverance in the Tanzanian higher learning institutions. Such shift of paradigm may have occurred due to public budgetary cuts, employment and socio economic conditions that do not favour full time courses attendance and recent higher learning marketing processes. Using The Open University of Tanzania as a case study, this article will focus on two programmes, namely; Executive Masters in Business Administration (EMBA) and Masters in Community Economic Development (MCED) to analyze its deliverance prospects and challenges. Data collection tools included questionnaire, interviews and documentary analysis. We are arguing that the Executive Master‟s Degree programmes can be made more effective by being more practical, learner-centered and adoption of blended learning approach. These changes in the provision of Executive Masters degree programmes may expand the impact of the higher learning institutions in the communities and labor marketsItem Contribution of Tanzania to the Theory of Knowledge Sharing Behavior(International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 2014) Balozi, M.A; Othman, S. Z; Mohamed Issa, M.FPurpose- This paper intends to discourse the development of theory in the Tanzania context, based on the potentiality of advancing knowledge sharing theory globally. The aim of this paper is to develop a theoretical framework that is essential for studying knowledge sharing behaviour which is critically significant for the organizational changes and national reforms as well for sustaining in tremendous competition. Moreover, the study established the need to undergo investigation in order to illustrate the degree of performance of theory in the context of Tanzania, which will depict a comparison with developed countries. Methodology- This paper reviewed the theory of planned behaviour and it portrayed TPB as the underpinned theory for revising knowledge sharing in the context of Tanzania. Findings- The study revealed propositions that are fundamental in developing the theory of planned behaviour for studying knowledge sharing in the Tanzania context. Limitations of the study- this paper offers suggestions for proposition testing and direction for further studies in knowledge sharing behaviour. The implication of the study- the paper provides development of theory and practice, the research might provide insight for improving knowledge sharing practices in order to realise organizational development and national reforms(BRN) in the context of Tanzania. Value- This paper relies on theoretical approaches, particularly on the advancement of the theory of plan of behaviour under the addition of the collectivist culture and interpersonal relation towards knowledge sharing behaviour in Tanzania.Item The Effect of Training and Development and Employee Relations on Job Satisfaction: A Case Study of Tanzania Public Service College(Asian Journal of Research in Business Economics and Management, 2014) Balozi, M.A; Aman, K. DThis paper examines the effect of training and development and employee relations on job satisfaction in Tanzania Public Service College (TPSC). Training and development and employee relations were tested against job satisfaction. A total of 100 respondents from Tanzania Public Service College (TPSC) participated in the study. The study used correlation and regression analysis for data analysis. The findings indicate that training and development and employee relations are positively related to job satisfaction and they are indicating a strong contribution to job satisfaction. This study is adding empirical knowledge on the effect of training and development and employee relations on job satisfaction in Public sectors. Suggestions are made for further research to increase job satisfaction among employees.Item Climate Change Adaptation in Semi-Arid Areas: A Gender Perspective(International Journal of Ecosystem, 2014) Msaki, Mark M.; Kalumanga, Venance.; Bwagalilo, Fadhili.At current, the world is struggling to mitigate the impacts of Climate Change to the involved communities. Due to their climatic behaviours, Semi-Arids are among the most vulnerable areas to Climate Change. Adaption to Climate Change has been suggested to lessen the impacts in different areas. However, the adaption is relative to a specific area’s social-economic, physical as well as cultural set up. For this fact, it is a matter that in some areas, culture happens to side-line women in decision making and implementation while adapting for Climate Change. Therefore, the study was carried out at Chololo Eco - Village, in Dodoma Municipality. The aim of the study was to assess the existing climate change adaptation strategies or technologies and the involvement of Gender in Addressing Climate Change Adaptation Technologies. A total of 110 respondents were interviewed. The research revealed that among the proportion 36%, 29%, 35%, 32%, and 59% of female respondents attended transfer of innovation sessions for Agriculture, Water Management and Conservation, Afforestation, Food Security and Economic Adaptation. More men attended sessions for transfer of innovations as compared to women. Tradition, culture and household chores impended women not to involve much in such sessions. Fortunately, women not attending in such session did not connote not adapting to Climate Change. Roles occupied in the community and household chores had been the factor for women to decide whether to participate or not participate in the training sessions. Women struggled to attend transfer sessions which seemed to be critical such as Economic Adaptation. Fruitfully women were found to be more involved in Income Generating Activities (IGAs) introduced by Chololo Eco – Village. Deliberate efforts should be carried to ensure that women attend technology transfer sessions to become the first beneficiaries of such innovations.Item Measuring Household Food Security Using Food Intake Indicators in Rural Kwazulu Natal, South Africa(Ecology of Food and Nutrition, 2014-04-24) Msaki, Mark M.; Hendriks, Sheryl L.Estimation of micronutrients intake in food consumption surveys has generally been ignored. Focusing on similar households, a household food consumption survey (n = 200) was carried out in November 2004 (period of less) and March 2005 (period of plenty) in rural KwaZulu Natal, South Africa. Diet diversity, energy, protein and micronutrient intakes were proxies of household food security. Principal Component Analysis was used to estimate household food adequacy and strength of the variables (nutrients) in determining household intake variation amongst the community. On average, variation in household intake was contributed by energy (62.8%), iron (20.2%), protein (11.8%), vitamin E (3.8%), vitamin A (1.0%), and dietary diversity (0.3%). Linking food intake to household variables can generate plausible variables for measuring household food security.Item Enhancing ERP Adoption in Government Training Institutions for Effective Financial Management: A Case of Tanzania Institute of Accountancy (TIA)(Journal of Resources Development and Management, 2016) Mwakyusa, Wilson PEnterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system is the largest application software that increasingly being adopted by Higher Learning Institutions (HLI) both private and public institutions in developing countries. However, there is high rate of failures of ERP system implementation in higher learning institutions specifically in the strategies of integration with other information systems like Student Management System (SMS), human resource management and Accounting information systems for the purpose of enhancing financial management. Thus, this study aimed at enhancing the ERP system adoption in higher learning institutions with a special attention to government training institutions in Tanzania. Initially information was collected through literature review; primary data was gathered through structured questionnaires received from a total of 40 respondents working with Tanzania Institute of Accountancy (TIA) which implement ERP system (Epicor). The study revealed several factors that slow the process of implementing ERP system at HLIs. These factors are; lack of technical awareness about the system, user of the system are not involved in the system requirements, top management support, ERP system implementations strategies, IT-infrastructure and experience in IT adoption process. Furthermore, it is found that phased adoption strategy is more suitable approach for adopting new ERP system in the government training institutions environment. Similarly the study revealed that ERP system plays important role in enhancing financial management in HLIs. Conclusively, the study proposed the integrated ERP system implementation framework using phased approach to suite the government higher training institutions environment. Keywords: ERP system, Government training institutions, adoption strategyItem Impediments of E-learning Adoption in Higher Learning Institutions of Tanzania: An Empirical Review(Journal of Education and Practice, 2016) Mwakyusa, Wilson PIt is experienced that most of the Higher Learning Institutions (HLIs) in developing countries including Tanzania fails to fully implement e-learning system as a an alternative method of delivering education to a large population in the universities. However, some of HLIs are practicing the blended method by which both elearning and traditional teaching methods are employed. The study therefore, aimed to explore the most critical impediments for e-learning adoption at (HLIs) in Tanzania. Moreover, most of the HLIs in developing countries are facing with the problem of poor ICT infrastructures, lack of experts in ICT solutions and internet connectivity. This study made an empirical review to a total of 18 relevant literatures conducted in HLIs of Tanzania in order to critically indentify the most critical impediments. It is found that there is a serious problem of technological infrastructures including lack of computers in HLIs to save students all time, low internet bandwidth, low ICT- competence among the educational stakeholders which impede the successful e-learning implementation. Furthermore, it was found that most of the HLIs they had no e-learning policy in operational as a result there is lack of technical and managerial support towards the new e-learning technology. In the end the study proposed the strategies that direct the road towards the success of e-learning implementation at HLIs in developing countries including TanzaniaItem Predictors of Knowledge Sharing Behaviour: Case of the Tanzanian Healthcare Sector(International Journal of Research in IT, Management and Engineering, 2016) Balozi, M.A; Othman, S. Z; Mohd Isa, M. F.Purpose–The purpose of this paper is to examine the factors that influence knowledge sharing behaviour among healthcare professionals in Tanzania. Design/Methodology/Approach–This paper is a quantitative research paper. The data were collected from healthcare professionals using a questionnaire and analyzed utilizing multiple regressions. Findings–Individual capabilities, career advancement and personal values were positively and significantly influenced knowledge sharing behaviour. Research Limitations/Implications–The study was carried out in public hospitals and focuses on the Tanzanian healthcare professionals, which restricts the generalizability of the findings to non-healthcare professionals in other geographical settings as well as in different contexts. Another limitation is cultural differences across various regions and countries which inhibit knowledge sharing behaviour found in Tanzanian healthcare institutions. Direct relationships are subject to a lack of understanding as to why there is a positive significant influence of individual capabilities, career advancement and personal values on knowledge sharing behaviour. Practical implications–The variables identified as influential factors on knowledge sharing behaviour could assist management to build a knowledge-sharing culture for developing knowledge sharing behaviour in healthcare institutions. Originality/value–The present study contributes to the body of knowledge on knowledge sharing behaviour in healthcare institutions.Item Outsourcing or Giving all Out? Experience from Tanzania Local Government Revenue Collection(Journal of Public Administration and Governance, 2016) Mrutu, L.L; Mganga, POutsourcing revenue collection in Local Government Authorities has been adopted as a mechanism to solve the previous problems of revenue collection which resulted into loss and mismanagement of the whole process. One of the expectations was to increase revenue collection which will provide a room for fiscal autonomy. However, experience from few local government authorities which have outsourced their revenue collection shows that, the whole process of outsourcing has not yielded the expected outcome especially on enabling local authorities to have fiscal autonomy instead it has turned to benefit the private agent who collect Tax. By using secondary data this paper attempts to show how the process of outsourcing is benefiting the private agent and therefore it is like giving everything out. It concludes that, though outsourcing seems to benefit local authorities by reducing some tasks, especially on tax collection, outsourcing benefits much a private agent and therefore quick measures should be adopted including building the capacity of Local Authorities in identifying the sources of revenue and in estimating the actual collections so as to have clear picture of how much will be generated by the agent and what should be the appropriate amount to be submitted to the Local authorityItem How Centralized Recruitment Influence Employee’s Turnover in Tanzania Local Government Authorities: Experience from Moshi Municipal Council(International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 2016) Mrutu, L.L; Ngowi, A.OThe recruitment of different human resources in Tanzania local government authorities is centrally organized through the Tanzania Public Service Recruitment Secretariat. The aim has been to facilitate the recruitment of competent personnel to fill identified vacant posts in different local authorities. Despite the positive contributions of centralized recruitment including the recruitment of competent staff, the system has been blamed for causing labour turnover among centrally recruited staff. However, little was known as to how centralized recruitment influenced labour and therefore the aim of this article is to show how centralized recruitment influences labour turnover in local authorities. The study employed a case study design whereby Moshi Municipal Council was chosen. Documentary review and in-depth interviews were used to collect data whereby a total of six respondents were interviewed. Findings shows that centralized recruitment influence employees turnover because employees are recruited from different places to work in new areas which they are not familiar with something which later affects their relationships with employers and therefore decides to leave. Conclusively, this paper calls for government attention to revisit the decision of recentralizing human resources recruitment and build the capacity of local authorities to recruit their employees.Item The Influences of Religious Ethics on Preventing and Combating Corruption in Tanzania: The Christianity and Islamic Obligation(2017) Pallangyo, W. AThere are many roads to the goal of preventing and combating corruption. One of these roads is to prevent and combat corruption through religious obligations. This paper presents a proposition that religious ethics have great influence in the process of combating corruption. Various literatures were consulted including religious books and previous studies. Although Tanzania is a non-secular country but its population is predominantly Muslims and Christians. The Muslims are 35%, Christians are 30% and other religions are 35%. With these statistics it is unlikely to discuss dynamics and cross cutting issues such as corruption with exclusion of religious obligations.Item Institutional Characteristics and its Effect on Public Health Service Delivery Under Decentralization in Local Government Authorities in Tanzania(Noble International Journal of Business and Management Research, 2017) Pallangyo, W. AThis article examines the effects of institutional characteristics on public health service delivery under decentralisation in rural Tanzania. It adopted a cross sectional design to examine institutional characteristics and its effects on health service delivery at Pangani and Urambo Local Government Authorities (LGAs). Both qualitative and quantitative approaches were employed; primary data were collected by using interviews, questionnaires, FGDs and observation. The study established that, the instructional characteristics impaired significantly the decentralisation initiatives for improved health service delivery in the rural areas in Tanzania. Institutional characteristics, legal frame work, systems and administrative structures were the main hindrance in the implementation of decentralisation for improved health services and its delivery. The institutional effects resulted to poor health service delivery infrastructures in terms of equipments availability, drugs and medicines, health workers, distance, delayed service, time management, lack of accountability and transparency. The study recommends a review of the existing framework, administrative systems, structures and processes and human resource capacity building.Item Linking Crime Incidences with Demographic and Socio-Economic Factors in Kinondoni Police Region, Dar es Salaam(International Journal of Development and Sustainability, 2017) Pallangyo, W. ADespite several studies on demographic, socio-economic factors and crime incidences, the need for further analysis remains contested. The multinomial Logistic Regression Model was applied to establish the association of these three variables. Primary data was collected from police stations with detention facilities by using a structured questionnaire. The findings pointed out significant relationships between demographic and socio-economic factors and crime incidences. However, the main economic activity of the respondent was not a significant factor influencing crime incidences. These results are imperative for policy formulation targeting the reduction of crimes.Item Assessment of Crime and Crime Level in Kinondoni Police Regional Stations, Dar Es Salaam Tanzania(International Journal of Political Science, 2017) Pallangyo, W. AThis article assesses the crime and crime level from Kinondoni Police regional stations. The determinants of crime are analyzed by using descriptive statistics and the Multinomial Logistic Regression Model. The findings indicate seven determinants of crime. It points out that crime against property is the main category. Respondents with the following characteristics (youths, males, unemployed, with less earning, having a low level of education and never married), are more likely to commit offences against a person and crimes against property. The article suggests that the police force has to review the effectiveness of its initiative of involving the community in policing and increase its finance, physical and human resources to match with the growing population.