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    A Systematic Literature Review on Tourist Experience of People with Disabilities in the Hospitality and Tourism Sector
    (African Journal of Accounting and Social Science Studies (AJASS), 2023-12) Kara, Nasra
    The issue of tourist experience for disabled travelers has been given little attention compared to that given to able-bodied persons. This study assessed a systematic review of 13 peer-reviewed scholarly articles on the tourist experience of disabled travelers available on Google Scholar. Quantitative analysis of the literature was performed using an Excel spreadsheet. The results indicated that a significant proportion of articles published focused on addressing tourists’ overall past experience, while few have focused on specific contexts. Mobility impaired visitors especially wheelchair users were mainly covered. Most of the studies were conducted in Portugal, New Zealand, Australia, and Indonesia and a few were done in countries such as the UK, Spain, and China. In those studies, semi-structured in-depth interview and purposive sampling strategies were mainly employed. Over 90% of all the published works were qualitative in nature and published in journals of hospitality and tourism management. The review concludes with the practical implications of the study as well as the future research agenda.
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    Pathways to Prosperity: Analysing the Dilemma of Choosing between Official Development Assistance and Foreign Direct Investment in Tanzania
    (African Journal of Accounting and Social Science Studies (AJASS), 2023-12) Miku, Benjamine G.; Joseph, Emmanuel S.; Mpojota, Amour S.; Nyaborogo, Happiness P.; Mligo, Gerald
    This paper explores the complex-decision decision-making process faced by policymakers in Tanzania when selecting between Official Development Assistance (ODA) and Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) for driving economic prosperity. It employs the Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) to capture dynamic interrelationships among long-run co-integrated variables. Analysing yearly time series data from 1980 to 2021, the study reveals that variables used in the analysis exhibit a co-integrating relationship and that they have a long-term equilibrium relationship. Official Development Assistance per capita lagged to one period and is significantly and negatively related to the growth rate of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Furthermore, ODA per capita lagged to two periods is significantly and negatively related to the growth rate of GDP, and ODA lagged to three periods is negatively related to the growth rate of GDP. Additionally, FDI per capita lagged to one period and is negatively related to GDP. The paper highlights the complexity of the decision-making process and recommends that policymakers assess financing strategies, explore factors hindering positive contributions of FDI and ODA and prioritize domestic investment to foster self-reliance and reduce dependence on external funding sources
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    The Mediation Effect of Business Environment on How Firm Characteristics Relate to Environmental Disclosure in Tanzania's Extractive Industry
    (TIA, 2022-12-31) Ponsian, Ntui.
    This study determines the function of the business environment as a mediating factor on how firm characteristics relate to the environmental disclosure in the Tanzanian extractive industry through legitimacy and stakeholder theories lens. The analysis makes use of panel data from the 2018 Tanzania Extractive Industry Transparency Initiative (TEITI) report covering the years 2004 to 2018, following the adoption of an environmental management Act and its implementing laws in Tanzania. To extract data from yearly reports, the manifest content analysis was employed. The results show that the relationship between corporate profitability, size, and environmental disclosure is mediated by pressure of stakeholders. Furthermore, the findings imply that the relationship between size of firm and environmental disclosure is mediated by visibility by the media. However, the legal need does not operate as a buffer between any firm characteristic and environmental disclosure, indicating that laws, regulations, and rules are not the only drivers of environmental disclosure. For the first time, the study introduces, quantifies, and examines the business environment as the only justification for environmental disclosure. The study combines legitimacy and stakeholder theories, treating businesses as entities with internal decision-making processes that are also influenced by pressure from the outside world. The study also suggests that enhancing environmental disclosure and business participation may not be possible with just rules or legislation. The study demonstrates that stakeholder theory works more effectively in situations when powerful stakeholders put significant pressure on businesses to disclose environmental information. In terms of society, the study would promote social involvement in ensuring that businesses disclose and protect the environment so that people can live in safety.
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    Determinants of Social Media Marketing Adoption among Small and Medium Enterprises in Dar es Salaam - Tanzania
    (TIA, 2022-12-31) Augustine, Justine.; Newa, Makawa.
    The general objective of the study was to examine the determinants of social media marketing adoption among Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Ilala Municipality, Dar es Salaam. The study provides the effects of technological, organizational and environmental factors on adoption of social media marketing in the SMEs sector. This study used descriptive research design; thus primary data were collected using a structured questionnaire, whereas multiple regression analysis was used to analyse the collected data from 122 SMEs owners who were selected through simple random sampling. The SPSS software was used for data analysis. The results from multiple regression analysis showed that technological factors had positive and significant relationship with the adoption of social media marketing in SMEs (p = 0.001). Moreover, the findings showed that organisational factors and adoption of social media marketing were positively related (p = 0.000). Furthermore, the findings indicated that there was positive and significant relationship between environmental factors and adoption of social media marketing in SMEs (p = 0.002). The study concludes that technological, organizational and environmental factors determine social media marketing adoption for SMEs. However, organizational factors are the major determinants of social media marketing adoption in SMEs. The study recommends that the management of SMEs should improve organizational environment such as employee skills by providing training in order to increase the use of social media marketing in SMEs. Government should provide support and comprehensive policy to foster growth of SMEs in Tanzania through adoption of social media marketing, and the SMEs management should accommodate technology innovation to support easy adoption of Social media marketing.
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    Use of Social Media to Improve Marketing Performance of Selected Manufacturing Firms in Tanzania: Evidence from Coastal Region
    (TIA, 2022-12-31) Augustine, Justine.; Rushaka, Avitus.
    The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of social media marketing on marketing performance of the manufacturing companies in Tanzania. Specifically, the study aimed to examine the effect of social media strategy, active presence and customer engagement initiatives on the marketing performance of selected manufacturing companies in Coastal Region. The study used social penetration theory. Quantitative research approach and cross sectional research design was used. A sample of 138 respondents was selected from 29 manufacturing companies in Coastal Region using simple random sampling technique. A structured questionnaire was used for collecting primary data. Data were analysed by using the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) to compute descriptive statistics and undertake multiple linear regression. The results show that social media strategy had positive and significant relationship with marketing performance (B = 0.539, p = 0.000). Moreover, the results show that there was positive and significant relationship between active presence in social media and the marketing performance of the manufacturing companies (B = 0.620, p=0.001). Furthermore, the findings show that there was positive and significant relationship between customer engagement initiatives in social media and marketing performance of the manufacturing companies (B = 0.919, p = 0.000). The study concludes that social media strategy, active presence and customer engagement initiatives in social media have positive effect on the marketing performance of the manufacturing companies. The study recommends that manufacturing companies should make sure social media strategy, active presence and customer engagement initiatives become part of the marketing strategies in order to increase marketing performance.
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    Influence of Product Information on Processed Maize Flour Marketing by Small and Medium Millers in Dodoma City, Tanzania
    (TIA, 2022-12-31) Mpandiko, Godlove A.
    The study aimed at assessing the influence of product information on processed maize flour marketing by small and medium millers in Dodoma City. According to The City Council of Dodoma (2020), Dodoma has 28 maize flour millers out of 856 in Tanzania. About 17 of the maize flour small and medium millers in Dodoma package their products but 11 do not do so. Also, 70% of customers of maize flour in Dodoma buy the packaged maize flour in bags (viroba) and 30% of the rest of customers go to the millers with their maize for processing; others buy in small portions measured in small tins. However, with little or no formal studies carried out in Dodoma city on product information and its effect on processed maize flour marketing by small and medium millers in Dodoma city’s perspective, this study, therefore, assessed the influence of product information on the marketing of processed maize flour by small and medium millers in Dodoma city. A cross sectional research design was adopted for this study. A simple random sampling strategy was used in choosing 96 respondents from small and medium millers in Dodoma city. Data was collected through a questionnaire for clients (customers) and in-depth interviews with owners of Small and medium mills for processing maize into flour. Inferential statistics were used to analyse data. The study findings indicated that product information was statistically and significantly related to marketing of processed maize flour by small and medium millers in Dodoma city at a p-value less than 5% (p < 0.000). The study concluded that small and medium millers in Dodoma city, product information, and finally packaging material had a significant effect on the marketing of processed maize flour. This implies that product information had a great contribution to the marketing of processed maize flour by small and medium millers in Dodoma city. The study recommends that Small and medium millers in Dodoma city should always ensure that their packaging is coloured so as to market the processed maize flour.
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    The Influence of Customer Retention Practices on Performance of Micro and Small Agro-processing Enterprises in Tanzania
    (TIA, 2022-12-31) Nnko, Eliakira.
    Customer retention practices are considered as derivers to accelerate firm performance in highly competitive business environment. However, scanty literature exists on agro-processing MSEs in developing economies. This study was carried out in Dar es Salaam, Arusha and Morogoro regions to examine the relationship between customer retention practices and performance of agro processing micro and small enterprises (MSEs). The study employed quantitative research approach and a cross-sectional research design. Proportionate stratified sampling was used to select a sample of 302 MSEs. A self-administered questionnaire was used to collect data from these firms. Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) was used to analyse the relationship between customer retention practices and firm performance. Firm performance was found to be positive and significantly influenced by assessment to customers, analysis of competitors, response to customer needs, inter-functional coordination practices and employees behavioural practices. Business-supplier relational practices posited positive relationship with the firm performance. The findings suggest that customer retention practices are influential determinants of the performance. This implies that owner-managers of agro-processing MSEs who wish to improve the performance of their firms should put emphasis on understanding the needs of their customers, analyse the actions and behaviours of competitors, appropriately coordinate internal functions of their firms and manage employees behaviours towards customers to ensure sufficient response to needs of the customers, and they should maintain positive relationship with the suppliers of raw materials. Likewise, practitioners and policy makers should appreciate the role of customer retention practices when designing policies, trainings and support services for MSEs.
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    Annualized Stock Market Returns Volatility: An Evidence of Dar es Salaam Stock Exchange
    (TIA, 2022-12-31) Mwidege, Asheri, M.
    Financial market players raise a concern about returns volatility anomalies. Yet, the day effects of stock market return instability in the Dar es Salaam financial market are not known. The present study, investigated the day effects on returns using time series data for the years 1998 through 2020. The return of market stocks was analysed using Win Rat and E-views. The results showed that the day of and the month of the year outcome existed in the return equation only with a constant decay rate ( +  = 0.75) meaning that the unpredictability forecast reverts to its unrestricted mean at the proportion of 0.75 per transaction period. Moreover, it was found that the lowest monthly returns spread were observed for TCC and the highest for the whole market while the maximum and nethermost daily returns occurred on Wednesdays and Tuesdays, respectively. Furthermore, it was found that the positive January effect was observed in the market and monthly mean returns were positive with the lowest returns in December. The study concludes that that day’s effects impacted the market stock return caused by the volatility effect on returns. It is therefore recommended that rational investors should invest in the market for their future gains.
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    Perceived Service Quality and Student Satisfaction in Higher Learning Institutions in Tanzania
    (Humanities and Social Science Communications, 2023) Bwachele, Victor
    Despite policy efforts to promote higher learning in Tanzania, reports show persistent student dissatisfaction, revealing the extant inadequate quality measurement models. The study examined the fundamental elements causing dissatisfaction using an extended SERVQUAL model with additional variables, perceived transparency mediated by trust. Researchers collected quantitative data from 398 third-year higher learning students. The structural equations modelling result shows that reliability, perceived transparency, and trust in an institution significantly predict satisfaction. Further, trust partially mediates the influence of perceived transparency on student satisfaction. Evidence from this study suggests that education policy geared to promote the expertise of service providers and punctuality of service offering, transparency in service offering, and social responsibility of service provision is adequate for student satisfaction. Future research can look into a cross-level of economic development, groups of students—analysis of satisfaction determinants, and test the trans parency—trust-based SERVIQUAL Model in quality struggling sectors in Tanzania and other developing countries. Also, studies can test how satisfaction mediates the effect of quality on academic performance.
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    Effects of Credit Management Practices on Performance of Women Owned SMEs in Morogoro Municipality, Tanzania
    (TIA, 2022-06) Mutalemwa, D F.; Makindara, J R.
    This paper determined the effects of credit management practices on the performance of women owned SMEs in Morogoro Municipality. Data were collected from 120 women which included both credit and non-credit recipients. A purposeful sampling procedure was employed to select the study district and three wards whereby two streets were selected from each ward randomly. The women’s respondents were then selected randomly from each street. Descriptive analysis was used to compute the enterprise performance status of the respondents. The results indicate that 55 percent of the women respondents were credit beneficiaries while 45 percent were not. Among those who received credit, 68 percent used the whole credit to invest in the same business; about 21 percent used 50 percent of the credit received to invest in other businesses besides the core ones and about 50 percent used the credit in non-business purposes. Moreover, about 11 percent of the credit recipients used the whole loan given (100%) in other activities such as family parties and paying school fees. An independent t-test was run to determine whether there is a significance difference in performance among women with and without credits. The performance indicators were all significant in terms of asset value, number of employees, monthly sales, and gross margin at p>0.05. The findings show that credit availability influenced the performance of women owning SMEs. The findings also show further that women who received credit and AJASSS Volume 4, Issue No. 1, 2022 page 294 invest the whole of it in the same business were performing better compared to non-credit recipients. It is therefore concluded that if credit is available and women use the whole of it in investing within the business, their SMEs performance will improve. It is recommended that women owning SME’s should be encouraged to take the available credits which have competitive interest rates and deploy it in their business in order to enhance performance of their enterprises.
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    Determinants of Multidimensional Poverty in Rural Tanzania
    (Tanzania Institute of Accountancy, 2023-06) Charles, Geofrey M.; Otieno, Sixtus M.; Kimaro, Magreth A.; Mwakasisi, Tuntufye G.; Mganga, John G.; Matolo, Getrude
    The primary aim of the research was to examine the factors that contribute to poverty from a multidimensional standpoint among households in rural Tanzania, utilizing a logistic regression model. The study used Alkire and Foster methodology to examine multidimensional poverty index (dependent variable of the study). The research utilized data that were already collected by the Tanzania Demographic and Health Survey in 2017. Based on the findings, the factors being studied were proven to be key determinants that have a significant impact on multidimensional poverty in rural Tanzania. Additionally, households led by women experienced a higher incidence of multidimensional poverty compared to those led by men, underscoring the necessity for gender-specific measures to combat gender-based poverty. The study found that older households were less susceptible to experiencing multidimensional poverty compared to younger households. These results indicate the necessity for focused assistance and support for younger households. Furthermore, the research found that the likelihood of experiencing multidimensional poverty was lower for widowed and married individuals in comparison to those who had never been married. Finally, the use of family planning methods was associated with a decreased likelihood of experiencing multidimensional poverty. The study recommends that, poverty reduction interventions in rural Tanzania should take into consideration these significant factors to effectively address the issue of multidimensional poverty.
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    Gender Dynamics and Dietary Diversity among Small Scale Legume Farmers in Singida District, Tanzania
    (Tanzania Institute of Accountancy, 2023-06) J.F, Mremi; J.N, Jeckonial; P.J, Nyamhanga
    The paper explores the association of consuming nutritious food groups including legumes with the relationship and the interactions between men and women small-scale farmers in Singida District, Tanzania. A cross-sectional design was used, and a sample size of 200 legume farmers comprising 88 males and 112 females was used. A 24-hour dietary recall checklist and a food frequency questionnaire were used to collect data by sorting out food groups. Groups of food items consumed were categorized into two levels of regularly consumed (three times or more per week) and rarely consumed (once per week). The qualitative data were analysed using content analysis while quantitative data were analysed quantitatively by computing descriptive statistics and a chi-square test. It was found that the association between gender and consumption of legume species was statistically significant (p < 0.05). The Pearson’s chi-square test showed a slight association between legume consumption and sex category. The results showed that socio-economic characteristics; including income level, access to resources, and decision-making; were significantly associated with households’ food consumption levels (p < 0.05). The study concludes that, due to a number of factors, such as women's limited access to resources and lack of women's involvement in nutritional decisions, gender dynamics within households are a barrier to diversity of food consumption at the household level. Therefore, the study recommends that men should be sensitized to increase the diversity of the food items they consume and recognize women’s roles as essential to ensure their right to equality and to an adequate standard of living.
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    Dynamics and Trends of National Food Reserve Agency Maize Price and Local Maize Market Price: Empirical Evidence from Sumbawanga Market
    (Tanzania Institute of Accountancy, 2023-06) Sitima, Florence W.; Mduma, John K.
    The general objective of this study is to analyse spatial maize price transmission and market integration in Tanzania with Rukwa Region as the case study. Thus, the study intended to assess dynamics and trends of National Food Reserve Agency maize price and local market maize price between Sumbawanga (the surplus market) and other selected deficit markets from 2008-2017. Monthly maize price data came from the National Bureau of Statistics and National Food Reserve Agency purchase books price records in Rukwa Region. The Vector Autoregressive (VAR) Model, granger causality and impulse response methods were used. Results indicated that National Food Reserve Agency’s price granger caused local market maize price per ton and not otherwise. Impulse Response Functions indicated that the National Food Reserve price per ton had positive transitory and permanent impact on local maize market price per ton. The government should set enough money for more and timely National Food Reserve Agency grain reserves purchase; remove export bans; and improve communication, transport, marketing and storage facilities in surplus areas.
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    Service Quality of the Technical Education Service at the Tanzania Institute of Accountancy: Gaps and Recommendations
    (Tanzania Institute of Accountancy, 2023-06) Bwachele, Victor
    In this article, the service standard of Tanzania's higher education is examined, particularly with regard to the five SERVQUAL arrangement aspects (tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy). The validity and dependability of SERVQUAL in evaluating higher education in Tanzania are also examined in the research. The study on which this paper is founded involved 125 TIA students. According to the research, Tanzania's technical education services are up to the standards set in the opinions of TIA students in terms of tangibility, reliability, and assurance. Two dimensions, responsiveness and empathy (under the item of student best interest as objective (-0.08)), did not meet the expectation (p < 0.05). The researcher observed a gap between TIA students' perceptions and expectations: reliability 0.100, responsiveness -0.0075, assurance 0.1675, empathy 0.03, and tangibility 0.240. The gap analysis between service perceptions and expectations showed that all scores for perceptions were higher than their expectations, except on the dimension of responsiveness, indicating that service quality was satisfactory. TIA management should increase efforts to enhance service quality under the responsiveness dimension. To close the gap between TIA students' perceptions and expectations, the institution must offer academic advice, respond to various students' questions, and provide timely feedback. This might benefit Tanzanian technical education.
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    Is Institutional Legitimacy Related to Business Sustainability? Analysis of Cashew Nut Farmers’ Perspectives Mediated by Societal Stakeholders’ Action in Tanzania
    (Tanzania Institute of Accountancy, 2023-06) Vicent, Felex; Abayo, Abdiel; Chachage, Bukaza
    This paper analysed the effect of institutional legitimacy on cashew nut farming business sustainability in Tanzania through societal stakeholders’ action. Specifically, the paper examined the effect of institutional legitimacy on business sustainability, societal stakeholder’s action on business sustainability and mediating effect of societal stakeholders’ action on the relationship between institutional legitimacy and business sustainability. Explanatory research design was used, and simple random sampling was applied to select 380 cashew nut farmers. A structured questionnaire was used to collect data which later were analysed using structural equation modelling. Results indicated that institutional legitimacy had a positive and significant effect on business sustainability. Societal stakeholders’ action was also found to have positive and significant effect on business sustainability. Further, results showed a partial mediation effect of societal stakeholders’ action on the relationship between institutional legitimacy and business sustainability. The study concluded that institutional legitimacy and societal stakeholders’ actions are predictors of business sustainability, and societal stakeholders’ action partially mediates the relationship between institutional legitimacy and business sustainability. Thus, the study recommends that, for cashew nut farming business in Tanzania to be sustainable, it is important for institutions like Cashew Nut Board of Tanzania (CBT) and others to be legitimate to both farmers and societal stakeholders. Further it is recommended to scholars to undertake research on understanding mediation effect of the stakeholder theory on institutional theory exposed by results of this study.
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    Analysis of Effect of Institutional Isomorphism on Cashew Nut Farming Business Sustainability in Tanzania: Mediating Role of Market Stakeholder’s Action
    (Tanzania Institute of Accountancy, 2023-06) Vicent, Felex; Abayo, Abdiel; Chachage, Bukaza; Musheiguza, Edwin
    The effect of institutional isomorphism on cashew nut farming business sustainability in Tanzania through market stakeholders’ action was analysed in this study. The study explicitly sought to examine the effect of institutional isomorphism on business sustainability, market stakeholders’ actions on business sustainability, and the mediating effect of market stakeholders’ actions on the association between institutional isomorphism and business sustainability. An explanatory design, backed by simple random sampling, was utilized in choosing 360 respondents. Information for the study was gathered using a structured questionnaire and analysed by structural equation modelling. Outcomes show that institutional isomorphism had a positive and significant effect on business sustainability. Market stakeholders’ action was also found to have a positive and significant effect on business sustainability. Further results exposed the partial mediation effect of market stakeholders’ action on the relationship between institutional isomorphism and business sustainability. The study concluded that the prediction of business sustainability can be precisely articulated by institutional isomorphism and market stakeholders’ actions. Market stakeholders’ action was also proved to mediate the relationship between institutional isomorphism and business sustainability partially. Thus, the study recommends that, for the cashew nut farming business in Tanzania to be sustainable, farmers should comply with isomorphic pressures issued by governing institutions. It is also recommended that market stakeholders’ actions should be given consideration by governing institutions as they have effects on achieving sustainability.
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    Determinants of Social Media Marketing Adoption among Small and Medium Enterprises in Dar es Salaam - Tanzania
    (African Journal of Accounting and social science (AJASSS), 2022-12-31) Augustine, Justine; Newa, Makawa
    The general objective of the study was to examine the determinants of social media marketing adoption among Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Ilala Municipality, Dar es Salaam. The study provides the effects of technological, organizational and environmental factors on adoption of social media marketing in the SMEs sector. This study used descriptive research design; thus primary data were collected using a structured questionnaire, whereas multiple regression analysis was used to analyse the collected data from 122 SMEs owners who were selected through simple random sampling. The SPSS software was used for data analysis. The results from multiple regression analysis showed that technological factors had positive and significant relationship with the adoption of social media marketing in SMEs (p = 0.001). Moreover, the findings showed that organisational factors and adoption of social media marketing were positively related (p = 0.000). Furthermore, the findings indicated that there was positive and significant relationship between environmental factors and adoption of social media marketing in SMEs (p = 0.002). The study concludes that technological, organizational and environmental factors determine social media marketing adoption for SMEs. However, organizational factors are the major determinants of social media marketing adoption in SMEs. The study recommends that the management of SMEs should improve organizational environment such as employee skills by providing training in order to increase the use of social media marketing in SMEs. Government should provide support and comprehensive policy to foster growth of SMEs in Tanzania through adoption of social media marketing, and the SMEs management should accommodate technology innovation to support easy adoption of Social media marketing
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    Use of Social Media to Improve Marketing Performance of Selected Manufacturing Firms in Tanzania: Evidence from Coastal Region
    (African Journal of Accounting and social science (AJASSS), 2022-12-31) Augustine, Justine; Rushaka, Avitus
    The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of social media marketing on marketing performance of the manufacturing companies in Tanzania. Specifically, the study aimed to examine the effect of social media strategy, active presence and customer engagement initiatives on the marketing performance of selected manufacturing companies in Coastal Region. The study used social penetration theory. Quantitative research approach and cross sectional research design was used. A sample of 138 respondents was selected from 29 manufacturing companies in Coastal Region using simple random sampling technique. A structured questionnaire was used for collecting primary data. Data were analysed by using the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) to compute descriptive statistics and undertake multiple linear regression. The results show that social media strategy had positive and significant relationship with marketing performance (B = 0.539, p = 0.000). Moreover, the results show that there was positive and significant relationship between active presence in social media and the marketing performance of the manufacturing companies (B = 0.620, p=0.001). Furthermore, the findings show that there was positive and significant relationship between customer engagement initiatives in social media and marketing performance of the manufacturing companies (B = 0.919, p = 0.000). The study concludes that social media strategy, active presence and customer engagement initiatives in social media have positive effect on the marketing performance of the manufacturing companies. The study recommends that manufacturing companies should make sure social media strategy, active presence and customer engagement initiatives become part of the marketing strategies in order to increase marketing performance.
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    Assessment of The Impact of Advertising on Business Development in Tanzania’s Bank Sector: CRDB Bank
    (African Journal of Accounting and social science (AJASSS), 2022-06-30) Mneney, Christina E; Chenyambuga, Dora N
    This research aimed at determining how effective advertising is at increasing business growth in the banking industry. The study’s target population was 38 employees of CRDB Bank in Ilala District, out of these thirty-fve (35) respondents were selected using a purposive sample technique. Likert scale was used, whereby 1 indicating Strongly Agree, 2 indicating Agree, 3 indicating Undecided, 4 indicating Disagree, and 5 indicating Strongly Disagree. Data were entered and analysed by SPSS software. The study’s fndings revealed that, nearly 65 per cent of the respondents strongly agreed that advertising as an integrated marketing communication medium assists the banks in improving and enhancing client loyalty. Furthermore, 74.3 percent strongly agreed that advertising assists the banks in increasing sales volume and 25.7 percent agreed that advertising assists the bank in increasing sales volume. As a result, the vast majority of the respondents stated that advertising helped the bank to increase sales volume. According to the study, CRBD bank’s management should invest heavily in all Integrated Marketing Communication (ICM), including advertising, because it has a direct impact on the bank’s success.
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    The Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on the EAC Tourism and Hospitality Industry
    (African Journal of Accounting and social science (AJASSS), 2022-06-30) Chenyambuga, Dora N; Mneney, Christina E
    Worldwide, the COVID-19 epidemic has impacted all economies. The study examines the impact of the pandemic on the tourism and hospitality industry in East African Community member nations. This study is a systematic review of Covid19’s influence on the tourist and hospitality industries. The analysis is based on 54 publications collected from the Web of Science and Scopus databases. The current study was motivated by an extensive review of literature. According to these studies, the spread of COVID-19 disease to workers in the tourism industry has put the sector in jeopardy; travel restrictions and tourism guidance have made tourism and hospitality industry suffer from severe reduction of revenues. All these studies however do not clarify how, the pandemic has impacted tourism and hospitality industry in terms of national park visitors, hotel occupancy, and unemployment in particular. Therefore, the current study assesses the impact of COVID-19’s on tourism and hospitality in the EAC Partner States by using such indicators as the number of international tourists, receipts and tourism jobs generated, visitors to the parks and the rates of hotel occupancy. The study’s fndings show that the EAC Partner States lost USD 4.8 billion in foreign tourist earnings and two million jobs in the tourism sector due to COVID-19. The numbers of visitors to the National parks decreased by 65 percent, hotels in the region had an average occupancy rate of less than 30 per cent, which had a substantial impact on their operations. The study recommends to actors in tourism destinations, to have pandemic preparedness and risk management plans.