Total visits

Impact of Inflation on Economic Growth: A Case Study of Tanzania 54
The Role of Induction Training on Performance of New Employees at Workplace: Case Study of the Open University of Tanzania 32
Explaining the Adoption of Deterministic Procurement Strategies to Economically Empower Minority Owned Businesses (MOBs) 30
Unveiling Corporate Environmental Disclosure: The Effects of Gender Diversity in Boardrooms and Audit Committees 27
Do Food Quality and Food Quantity Talk the Same? Lesson From Household Food Security Study in Embo, South Africa 24
Motives and Ethics of Creative Accounting: A Reflective Review and Views 23
Determinants for Adoption of Electronic Procurement Systems by Public Institutions: A Case of Tanzania Institute of Accountancy 22
Factors Leading to Employee Turnover in Tanzania Public Sector Organisations: A Case of Tanzania Fisheries Research Institute, Dar es Salaam 22
The Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on Employement Creation in Tanzania 21
Measuring Household Food Security Using Food Intake Indicators in Rural Kwazulu Natal, South Africa 19