Total visits

Explaining the Adoption of Deterministic Procurement Strategies to Economically Empower Minority Owned Businesses (MOBs) 25
Unveiling Corporate Environmental Disclosure: The Effects of Gender Diversity in Boardrooms and Audit Committees 20
Climate Change Adaptation in Semi-Arid Areas: A Gender Perspective 17
Do Food Quality and Food Quantity Talk the Same? Lesson From Household Food Security Study in Embo, South Africa 15
Determinants for Adoption of Electronic Procurement Systems by Public Institutions: A Case of Tanzania Institute of Accountancy 14
Relationship between Working Capital Management and Profitability 14
The impact of smallholder commercialisation of organic crops on food consumption patterns, dietary diversity and consumption elasticities 11
The Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on Employement Creation in Tanzania 10
Determinants of job satisfaction among healthcare providers: A case of selected public hospitals in Ilala Municipality 10
The Role of Induction Training on Performance of New Employees at Workplace: Case Study of the Open University of Tanzania 9