Total visits
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Explaining the Adoption of Deterministic Procurement Strategies to Economically Empower Minority Owned Businesses (MOBs) | 25 |
Unveiling Corporate Environmental Disclosure: The Effects of Gender Diversity in Boardrooms and Audit Committees | 20 |
Climate Change Adaptation in Semi-Arid Areas: A Gender Perspective | 17 |
Do Food Quality and Food Quantity Talk the Same? Lesson From Household Food Security Study in Embo, South Africa | 15 |
Determinants for Adoption of Electronic Procurement Systems by Public Institutions: A Case of Tanzania Institute of Accountancy | 14 |
Relationship between Working Capital Management and Profitability | 14 |
The impact of smallholder commercialisation of organic crops on food consumption patterns, dietary diversity and consumption elasticities | 11 |
The Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on Employement Creation in Tanzania | 10 |
Determinants of job satisfaction among healthcare providers: A case of selected public hospitals in Ilala Municipality | 10 |
The Role of Induction Training on Performance of New Employees at Workplace: Case Study of the Open University of Tanzania | 9 |