Towards Agricultural Modernization and Industrial Development: Examining the Position Of Small Holder Farmers in Tanzania
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Journal of Economics Education and Entrepreneurship
Tanzania is working towards agricultural modernization aiming and improving agricultural
productivity. The aim has been to transform traditional agricultural practices with modern practices and help
smallholder farmers improve their productivity. However, there has been mixed evidence on the success of
such modernization efforts some showing success and others showing the failure. By using available
literature, this paper aim at showing the position of smallholder farmers in agricultural modernization
process. Findings shows that, agricultural modernization has left smallholder farmers under a marginalized
position filled with land grabbing, problems on availability, accessibility, affordability and the quality of
agricultural inputs together with the problem of market for agricultural products. As a deliberate effort to
improve agriculture sector the government need to increase investment in agricultural inputs by facilitating
the availability of industries which produce agricultural inputs like fertilizer. Also, the government should
encourage farmers to join into cooperative unions or groups to help them have bargaining power when it
comes to marketing their crops
Agriculture, Agriculture modernization, Smallholder farmers